Along with Dr. Justin Boone, Tipper facilitated the Discover-E program for Montebello Middle School 6th graders. Discover-Engineering is a program that introduces Engineering to today’s youth in an effort to encourage young minds to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM.)
Dr. Boone and Tipper spoke to the students about their lives and lessons that they learned growing up which lead them to be in the positions that they currently are in. The Discover-E activity that as conducted was paper stomp rockets. The exercise introduced the kids to aerospace and mechanical engineering.
It always important to Dr. Boone and Tipper to be able to bring things back to their perspective communities. In a surprise to Dr. Boone and Tipper, they received letters from the students thanking them for showing them something they never saw before. It’s something about “I want to be like you when I grow up” written from a child that really hits home.