2019 Trip to the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C.

The William Tipper Thomas Foundation, Inc. (WTTF) is a non-profit organization designed to facilitate solution finding and advocacy programs; promote and facilitate Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) education; violence prevention programming; philanthropic endeavors; and humanitarian initiatives to promote sustainable community growth. WTTF’s signature E^2 + Vpp (Engineering, Exposure and Violence Prevention) program conducts STEM programming, resume writing and violence prevention programming to communities in need with hopes of creating generational change. Those involved in the organization have personal stories of being survivors of violence and/or witnessing loved ones taken away by violence that has led to their career paths as engineers for the Department of Defense. The Foundation believes through STEM programming, personal testimonies coupled with de-escalation tactics and mentorship, it can prevent violence by keeping youth engaged in long- and short-term STEM projects.This offers opportunity for exposure to different aspects of how STEM is applied in life. WTTF works alongside a school partner in order to facilitate and align the program with school curriculum, academic and other student success goals.

Contact us for more information on our programming and to schedule programming.